API Quickstart¶
This section will be a quickstart guide to using the Allthenticate API.
API Key¶
Obtain an API Key from the admin portal if you don’t already have one. This is required to make API calls.
- This can be done by visiting the admin portal -> Settings -> API Keys -> Generate a new key
You can set a custom expiry time for the key if you wish, or leave it at
to never expire.You will need to add this key in your Web Request s in order to make API calls.
Retrieve all Users¶
- To retrieve all users in your organization, make a GET request to the /multipleusers endpoint.
- email:
(Optional) Boolean flag if you want the email of each user included in the name field.
- user_tag:
(Optional) Use GUEST to get the guest users
- return:
[ { "ad_status": "ACTIVE", # Authentication Device Status "active_date": "2020-03-20 01:30:34", "confirmed": "2020-03-20 01:30:16", "created": "2020-03-20 01:30:05", "device_added": "2023-01-23 23:46:35", "email": "joe@developer.com", "email_id": 1, "email_status": "CONFIRMED", "first_name": "Chad", "groups": [ [ "Employees" ], ...], "last_name": "Spensky", "name": "Joe Developer" "user_id": 1, "username": "cspensky", "unique_id": Unique identifier "name": first_name + last_name }, <more users> ]The response will contain a list of all users in your organization.
Invite Users¶
In order to use Allthenticate, you will need to invite users to your organization.
- To make the API call, do the following:
- Make a POST request to the /invites endpoint with the following parameters:
- emails:
(Required) List of email addresses to invite to the organization
- smartcards:
(Optional) List of smartcard arrays mapped directly to the emails in the same order
- groups:
(Optional) List of group objects that should contain the properties ‘id’ and ‘name’,
- no_email:
(Optional) If this is set to ‘true’ no emails will be sent to the invited users
which each invited user will be added to
- return:
{ "success": "Success! All members have been invited to join your organization.", "added": added, "invited": invited, "exists": exists, "invalid": invalid, "failed_invite": failed_invited, "add_ids": add_ids, "group_names": group_names, "send_email": send_email, }, 200{"error": "error message"}, [400 or 500] on failureThe user will receive an email with a link to create an account and set their password.
Managing Groups¶
You can create groups and include users for efficient management.
- To make a new group, do the following:
- Make a POST request to the /groups endpoint with the following eters:
- type:
(Required) The type of group to create. Either “users” or “resources”
- name:
(Required) The name of the group to create
- add_ids:
(Required) A list of IDs to add to the group. For users ids are from the email_id returned in a get request to the user endpoint. For resources ids are from the resource_id returned in a get request to the resource endpoint. Formatted as [1, 2,…]
- resource_type:
(Optional) The type of resource to create. Only used if type is “resources”. Either “COMPUTER” or “DOOR”
- return:
{success: "Group has been successfully created!", group_id: 2}, 200{"error": "error message"}, !200 on failureThe response will contain the ID of the group you created.
- To modify the users of a group, do the following:
- Make a PUT request to /groups with the following eters:
- type:
(Required) String users or resources
- group_id:
(Required) Int representing the group id of the group being modified
- add_ids:
(Optional) list of ids that will be added to the group
- del_ids:
(Optional) list of ids that will be deleted from the group
- return:
{success: "Group has been successfully updated!"}, 200{"error": "error message"}, !200 on failure
Create PIN/SmartCard for users¶
To assign a PIN or SmartCard to a user, you will need to make an API call.
- To make the API call, do the following:
- Make a PUT request to the /modifysmartcards endpoint with the following parameters:
api_key required - The API key you generated in step 1.
email_id required - The ID of the user you wish to assign the smartcard to.
smartcards required - A Serialized JSON array of smartcards you wish to assign to the user.
[ {"number": "<integer string>", (optional) "label": "<label string>" }, ... ]
allow_duplicates optional - A boolean value that determines whether to allow duplicate smartcards.
Create Guest Links¶
You can customize Guest Links to fine-tune user access to resources.
- To make the API call, do the following:
Make a POST request to the /magiclinkadmin endpoint with the following eters:
- email_list:
(Required) An array of emails for users that you want to provide the magic link to
- resource_id_list:
(Required) The resource ID that you want to provide access to. Note: These must be
doors! :end_time: (Required) A date and time to expire this link in UTC (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) [Default: never] :name: (Required) This is the name of this policy that will make it easier to manage later :send_email: (Optional) If this is set to False, we will not automatically send this link to
them in an email
- start_time:
(Optional) A date and time to activate this link in UTC (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) [Default: now]
- config_id:
(Optional) The configuration ID that you want to use for this link.
- smartcards:
(Optional) An array of dictionary of smartcards containing the ‘label’ and ‘number’ field mapped 1-1 for the emails.e.g [{“label”: “<label>”, “number”: “<number>”}]
- allow_duplicates:
(Optional) If this is set to True, we will allow smartcard to be added even if someone else in the org, owns the smartcard number.
- time_mapping:
(Optional) An array of days of the week (7 elements) and the range of times that this link should be active. [Default is 24/7 access]
With the week starting on Sunday, each element contains a list of active ranges. For example, 24/7 access looks like this:
[[[0,24]],[[0,24]], ...]9 am - 5 pm work days only:
[[],[[9,17]],[[9,17]], ... ,[]]And, 9-noon and 1pm-5pm would be:
[[],[[9,12],[13,17]], [[9,12],[13,17]], ... ,[]]- return:
Returns a magic token that can be used to unlock the resource and dictionary (email_ids) that maps
emails to email_ids
{"success": "Successfully created a new temporary policy and magic link.", "magic_token": "WufGylsf1w0ZFZfYAw8_ziK3KxDOYQ16IPLwgSpFg9WjJzQZF-u8XLKU7fQsTB8gCnuUlm1OHA0wjxBzGFFkOg", "email_ids": {"email@address.com": <email_id>}, "config_id": ID of the configuration that was used, "magic_link_id": ID of the newly created magic link, }
Locking and Unlocking Doors¶
To lock or unlock a door, you will need to make an API call.
- To make the API call, do the following:
- Make a POST request to the /setlockstatus endpoint with the following parameters:
- uuid:
(Required) String UUID of the resource that will have its lock state changed.
- lock_state:
(Required) Boolean value determining if resource will be locked or unlocked. True = locked.
- unlock_time:
(Optional) Int how long you want the door to stay unlock for, in seconds
- return:
{"error"/"success": message}, http_codeThe response will contain a message indicating the status of the door.