
These endpoints will let you view and modify users in your organization

All the endpoints and how to interface them are documented below


Add or change the computer username for a user.

This is the username that they use at their local workstation (e.g., jdeveloper)

Resource Methods


Accepts a list of dictionaries with computer_usernames to be added to a specific user.

NOTE: To delete all computer_usernames, just pass an empty array

  • email_id – (Required) Email ID of the user that you want to modify the computer_usernames

  • computer_usernames

    (Required) An serialized JSON array of dictionaries with the provided “computer_username”s that correspond to the user .. code-block:

    [ {"computer_username": "<string>"}, ... ]


{ "success/error": "message"}, 200/400


Update a user’s rank to give them administrative rights within your organization.

  • REGULAR - No admin rights

  • ADMIN - Can add users, create policies, etc.

  • SUPER - Can create other admins and access billing

Resource Methods

  • admin_user_id (int) – (Required) user_id of the user that should be modified

  • rank (string) – (Required) Which rank should the user be set to: ADMIN, REGULAR, SUPER.


{ "success/error": "message"}, 200/400


This endpoint is used to add smart cards and PINs to an existing user.

Resource Methods


This will return the smartcards associated with a specific email_id.


email_id – Email ID of the user that you want to get the smartcard and PINs of


A dictionary with the users info .. code-block:

    "email_id": 1,
    "smartcards": [
            "label": "Test",
            "number": "123456"
}, 200

{“error”: “error message”}, !200 on failure


Accepts a list of dictionaries with smartcard/PINs and labels to be added to a specific user.

NOTE: To delete all smart cards, just pass an empty array

  • email_id – (Required) Email ID of the user that you want to modify the smartcard and PINs of

  • smartcards – (Required) An serialized JSON array of dictionaries with the provided “number”s

that correspond to the smartcard and PINs and an optional “label”
[ {"number": "<integer string>", (optional) "label": "<label string>" }, ... ]

allow_duplicates – (optional) If true, allow duplicate smartcard numbers to be added to the user


{ "success/error": "message"}, 200/400


GET the list of all the users in the organization. Requires authentication to call.

Resource Methods

  • email – (Optional) Boolean flag if you want the email of each user included in the name field.

  • user_tag – (Optional) Use GUEST to get the guest users


        "ad_status": "ACTIVE", # Authentication Device Status
        "active_date": "2020-03-20 01:30:34",
        "confirmed": "2020-03-20 01:30:16",
        "created": "2020-03-20 01:30:05",
        "device_added": "2023-01-23 23:46:35",
        "email": "",
        "email_id": 1,
        "email_status": "CONFIRMED",
        "first_name": "Chad",
        "groups": [ [ "Employees" ], ...],
        "last_name": "Spensky",
        "name": "Joe Developer"
        "user_id": 1,
        "username": "cspensky",
        "unique_id": Unique identifier
        "name": first_name + last_name
    <more users>


Update a user’s tag from GUEST to USER to give them full access within your organization.

  • GUEST - Only Guest Access. You can not be added into policies, groups like regular users.

  • USER - Regular access. Can create policies, add to groups etc.

Resource Methods


email_id (int) – (Required) user_id of the user that should be promoted from GUEST to USER


{ "success/error": "message"}, 200/400


Toggle a user’s suspension status.

  • ACTIVE - If user is active and their email is confirmed

  • SUSPENDED - If the user is active BUT suspended

Resource Methods


email_id – Email ID of the user to be suspended/unsuspended



API endpoint for getting or deleting an individual user from an organization (not from allthenticate).

Resource Methods


Delete a user from the organization. Also removes the user from any groups and delete any policies that are assigned only to them. Either the email_id or the email of the user must be provided when deleting the user. If both are specified, email_id will take precedence. Requires authentication.

NOTE: this will not completely remove the user from the database, but only remove them from the organization

Must pass at least one of the below arguments:

  • email_id – (Required) The email id of the user to remove

  • email – (Required) The email of the user to remove


"success": "User [email]/[username] was successfully deleted from your organization."
}, 200

{“error”: “error message”}, 400/500


This endpoint can be used to retrieve information for an individual user in your organization. Requires authentication. :param email_id: (Required) The email id of the user that you want to view detailed information of


A dictionary with the user’s info .. code-block:

“policies”: [

[“test_policy”], [“asdf”]

], “computer_usernames”: [“username”], “smartcards”: [

{ “label”: “Label”, “number”: “Number” }


}, 200

{“error”: “error message”}, !200 on failure