
One of the features offered by our API is the ability to invite new users to your organization by email.

All the endpoints and how to interface them are documented below


This endpoint handles requests related to inviting new users to an organization. This endpoint supports getting all pending invites, sending new invites, and resending existing invites. To delete an invitation use the delete call from the Users endpoint.

Resource Methods


Gets a list of all pending invites for the current organization.


        "email": "",
        "added_date": "2023-07-20 00:03:02"
], 200
{"error": "error message"}, !200 on failure


This endpoint will enable you to add new users to your organization. Either existing Allthenticate users or new users can be invited by using their email. If existing Allthenticate users they will be automatically added to the organization. If new users, they will be invited by email. Requires authentication.

  • emails – (Required) List of email addresses to invite to the organization

  • smartcards – (Optional) List of smartcard arrays mapped directly to the emails in the same order

  • groups – (Optional) List of group objects that should contain the properties ‘id’ and ‘name’,

  • no_email – (Optional) If this is set to ‘true’ no emails will be sent to the invited users

which each invited user will be added to


    "success": "Success! All members have been invited to join your organization.",
    "added": added,
    "invited": invited,
    "exists": exists,
    "invalid": invalid,
    "failed_invite": failed_invited,
    "add_ids": add_ids,
    "group_names": group_names,
    "send_email": send_email,
}, 200
{"error": "error message"}, [400 or 500] on failure


Resend an invitation email to a user whose invite to the organization is pending.


email – (Required) Email of the user.


{success: "Successfully resent invitation email!"}, 200
{error: "error message"}, !200 on failure